The premises remains charged throughout the year with the celebration.Durga Puja,Basanti Puja,Kali Puja,Graha Puja amd many more including the celebration of Lokenath Baba's tirodham tithi.

The institution has not confined itself within the above activities.Rather successfully penetrated into the socio cultural life of the locality.Felecitation to the veterans who have contributed for the local area development and institution in the past is being done religiously.Art competition,Dance competition and many more competition takes place every year providing an opportunity for the aspiring youths.

The institution is the source of inspiration.It also extends financial support to the needy.In fact service to the humanity is the highest form of worship.



Bijoya Sanmilani 2015



Paper Cutting : Making of a Sky Lamp


Children Participating in Drawing Competetion

Cultural Function

Award Ceremony

Celebrating Lokenath Baba's Tithi

Arati Competetion on Durga Puja

Contact Info.

Lalganesh, Odalbakra Kalimandir,
Guwahati - 781 034,
Assam, India


Want to Donate!!!

Donations / subscription towards puja celebration and funding the ongoing construction may be sent to :

Brihattar Udalbakra Sarbajanin Puja Mandir Committee.

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